
Ubs is refers to the ninety percent analysts stuck without spectrum trust crisis

In 2011, the Shanghai composite index dropped to a 21.68% fall brought the world's major stock index, and performance such as many companies to face took a share price appear "avalanche", numerous retail loss. Mass analysts also recommended for wrong in an awkward situation. Financial weekly in 2011 of the 105594 report released as the foundation, the complete resolution, compare and validation. And the forecast deviation of the 800 largest and the most accurate judgment of a more than 200 analysts a more in-depth observations, found that one of the most disappointing analysts from gao hua securities, securities, securities and other western journal small and medium-sized brokerages,MLB hats of which also have a lot of famous door, their mistake for ubs, wide hair negotiable and access, etc in this list also helpless front row. < strong style = "font-style: normal font-weight: 800;;" > worst analysts more small and medium-sized brokerages most people live for gao hua securities may not be familiar, but behind the big shareholders-Goldman sachs group name is king. However is the background of the deep, securities analysts, last year there were 21 people research report released, and these analysts are all but on financial weekly afr highest analyst rankings. Gao hua securities analysts XuPeng, tracking industry as electronic components, communication equipment, information services. He released in 2011 research report of 23, he's about China and four dimensional figure New York estimates have and the actual target price is not a small deviation, the year 2011 is the most not by the brokers spectrum of analysts. And other analysts gao hua securities performance are also difficult to satisfactory. And the other a hong kong-invested brokers group of profit last year for the securities research thirteen analysts also all was listed in the worst HeiBang analysts. In fact, group of profit more than in some industry analysts securities on the analysis of the performance is not bad. As the research building materials ZhuJiXiang (the Po) and research of the transportation industry BaiBing etc, but as this several analysts research involves the industry for more, they "main attack" in the direction of the performance was not satisfied, the overall position by drag. For example BaiBing signature of the 2 copies of food tourism research report, its price target price and the actual maximum deviation, tracking stocks were lijiang tourism and cyts Tours. In addition, catic securities, securities and the west once because analysts copying people in the securities market commonly questioned the respectively in the last year, though only ten copies, 9 of a research report, 7, but all was listed in the worst list, on the contrary, it is not a analysts into the "excellent analysts" list ranks. Taken together, released in 2011 for 100% of the inquiry into the worst analysts league of brokers as many as 13 home, are small and medium-sized brokerages, day the wind and xiamen securities although only stock a "work", but "the action". < strong style = "font-style: normal font-weight: 800;;" > ninety percent ubs analysts by spectrum and wide hair negotiable securities without spectrum in the concentration camps, are also some of the big market influence brokers, such as ubs, wide hair negotiable and access, etc. Finance is the worst weekly 800 analyst of 26 people from ubs securities, of which the most serious misjudgement without spectrum first ubs securities analyst is the ChenGuoXi ubs securities itself is having an unprecedented crisis of confidence. This year two emphasis of ubs sponsor project and large group byd listed a face after the performance,buy sunglasses suffered from market strongly questions. And at the same time, brokers for research the independence of also to be on the table. According to information, not only sponsor representatives for investors full passion again and again paint a picture of the beautiful picture, ubs analyst for the research ChenGuoXi about byd zhao Lin, and PanJiaYi huge group for the research report about, about future performance prediction is also very radical, and large group, byd formed between the great disparity between real performance. Among them ChenGuoXi for byd performance prediction deviating from the practice value up to 10 times as many, now ChenGuoXi has left ubs. Securities research team and access facing the dilemma for more serious and urgent, and may have further deterioration of the trend. In just the past 2011 years, the securities analysts loss more than half anxi. 9 chief analysts now only five, and two at present already no longer engaged in research. Now can see the data, released last year in anxi securities analyst for research in 31 on the worst list of analysts, only nonferrous metal industry analysts YeXin be called "excellent", another a average performance. High yield analysts ZhangZhongJie released for 313 year research, of which 256 to analyze deviation of more than 20%, very radical, frequent research report released more than sing robot, chang red technology stocks, but unfortunately often misstep. Another "sadness" is wide hair negotiable securities dealers, 38, community.

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The funds raised it mostly gem business

