
Italian senator provoked fury among urge people high political elite privileges revoked

Beijing on January 5, according to Singapore lianhe zaobao 5 days to report, the italians have long suspected the country's political elite get high salary, appointed by the government of senator salary survey committee Tuesday (3) report of confirmed they suspect: Italy basic monthly salary senator is 11000 euro, far higher than other big economies eu counterparts, this fact makes people angry abnormalities. The report lists the France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, the countries of the European Union members of the salary, and to make the comparison,dc hats the results show that, the Italian senator monthly salary is the highest, about 11283 euros, followed by the Netherlands, for 8503 euros ($), the members of the minimum salary of Spain, for 2813 euros. It is reported, the Italian senator salary to pay taxes, but, in addition to outside salary, they also have a lot of additional benefits, such as receives every month 3503 euros ($) tax exemption living allowance, can free travel on the train, plane, ship, use highway also do not need to pay the expenses. Other European Union countries, Germany is only senator enjoys nearly 4000 euros, the living allowance, Belgium Congressman is a penny allowance also have no. Although the report's investigators say, this survey is not complete, but still allow people to see "full belly fire", requirement cancel the privileges of the political elite high voice. The Italian national debt to 1.9 trillion euros ($), severe financial crisis forced the prime minister silvio berlusconi to step down. The incoming MengDi prime minister leading the professionals cabinet vow, will slash government spending to save the economy of the country, and he himself also announced give up prime minister and the finance minister XinXiang. To solve the debt crisis, the Italian government not long ago through the financial austerity measures, also called on people to make sacrifices. On reducing red under the plan, the government raised the tax, including will increase to 21% sales tax, to September will be further increased from 23% to. In addition, authorities also reform labor market and pension plans. Italy by the general public reform against the deepest, many families in tighten their belts, and senator salary survey report about this report, hard to avoid such as anger, to bloated public institutions, and political elite privileges of big table anger. The value of the left-leaning party party chairman dean said to Peter, "never found out an excuse to congress, and refused to cut the privileges of the plan." Senator salary survey the chairman of the committee is Italy bureau of statistics bureau, telephoto watts,. The report also calls for the Roman authorities streamline public sector,discount nfl jerseys cancelled or merge function similar units. Coke watts, points out that Nebuchadnezzar, obviously the needs of each country is different, such as Italy has dedicated units, management of the Mafia was confiscated assets, seven other major industrial countries do not. But he said, report to provide the data, enough with a thought-provoking.

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