
"Russian winter of" doomed to doing nothing

On Wednesday (7), Russian prime minister vladimir putin to the kremlin's low-key near the central election commission headquarters, submitted in next year on March 4, the President of the campaign for documents. At the same time, gathered in the victory Square (Triumph Square, also have translated as "Triumph Square") of the opposition are planning for the third straight day of protests. 4, the duma elections held the day after the results were released, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Moscow, accused the ruling united Russia party through the ubiquity of fraud to win a parliamentary majority. This is the largest Russia for years political * * * activities, participate in people they shout "Russia does not need putin" and "to a not conspire Russia slogans such as", and the police confrontation. For two days in the conflict, a total of 300 people were arrested, * * * the protest two leader alex? The anwar mani (Alexei Navalny) (he to all of the person in elegant President dmitry medvedev on 7 December official Twitter was made on called "a ass") and the Erie and? The fourth (Ilya Yashin) was sentenced to 15 days in jail. * * * activities also spread to st. Petersburg, etc. Though independent polling institute of watts of this summer (Levada) the results of a survey that early, two-thirds of the Russian people think, the duma elections to be held only ZouGuoChang, authorities will operate election results, but on December 4 that day, voters are still showing high enthusiasm. Earlier, in order to make sure everything is in order,MLB Cap the incumbent President dmitry medvedev personally led when united Russia party in the election. On December 1, dmitry medvedev and putin also played with power, after election promise will improve public sector staff wages low income. However, Russia's central election commission chairman Mr Rove's high on Monday released (5 days) preliminary results and most agencies prediction is identical: vladimir putin's united Russia party vote in for 49.5%, will receive the state duma 450 seats in the 238 seats, is far lower than the state duma in 315 of the seats. This means that the party in the state duma, though still have weak 13 a majority, but has lost most of the long-term enjoy the constitution (300 seats) status. Medvedev magnanimous in an interview, said the results of the election marks "democracy is running"; And a face of serious putin said, election results reflect the real condition of Russia, for united Russia party, it is the most ideal is the result. But he insists that united Russia party still keep a "leadership". However, the Russian domestic political observers and media commentators thinks generally, the results for united Russia party is "catastrophic", indicating that Russian politics will appear sharp diversity...... Also, of course, that the presidential election next march may brewing a bigger political crisis. ” Has the votes counted from the perspective, all Russian duma elections in the party of from 64% of the vote 4 years ago plunged check below 50%. But opposition insist that even this number is also have water, because Sunday's vote illegal and fraud found in large phenomenon. From the council of Europe and the European security and cooperation organization international observers, said "blatantly destroy the election process" evidence and "the many forged votes signs seriously". They pointed out that, in the whole nation was observed in 115 polling stations, and almost a quarter of the recount process is bad or very bad. For Mr Putin was critical of former Soviet leader mikhail gorbachev is suggested that parliamentary elections official results is a "lies", and called for the election again. In fact, the election of Mr Putin's political strongmen early elections may explode the duma domestic political unrest on guard. He on November 27, formally accepted the ruling party's presidential nomination at the same time, that is way to save for a rainy day fund its political opponents accused western forces. He said at the time, both in the parliamentary election and before the presidential election, "some foreign representative called their funding those people, the so-called sponsorship to accept a person, and guide them and give them the arrangement duty to influence the election campaign". He also will accept these foreign forces of politicians in the bible funding to the betrayal Jesus of judah. U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Monday and Tuesday two successive statement as if just proved Mr Putin's suspicion, in Russia's duma elections she was "serious concerns", and pointed out that the election was mixed with false information may vote and other illegal practices of influence.“As we have seen in many places, the Russian parliament before the election is the same, these neither free nor fair elections, the effect is the same as actually. "The White House a spokesman for the Russian duma elections also said the United States" serious concern ", Clinton reiterated that the United States on Russia independent parties were deprived of Parnas registered, and as such as Golos observer expressed concern about the attack site encounter. Some western observers asserted that, if the full and fair elections, united Russia party may encounter more frustration. The government seems in Russia, the United States of its duma elections attack is "unacceptable", and demands the us the future must restraint, "no longer a similar hostile attack." the prime minister, vladimir putin blamed the United States is to make Russia home behind the protests instigator, he responded that Hillary Clinton "for some opposition activists to lay fundamental key, they send signals, they heard this signal, started actively activities." however, he believes, "although some of the protesters hope to achieve a selfish political purpose,But most of the Russian people don't want political upheaval. "I has always opposed with" conspiracy theory "to look at the perspective of international relations in the many interaction, but even so, I still think, for duma elections to the outbreak of similar to the" Arab spring "(or the minimum similar to the" occupation of Wall Street "movement) that" the winter of Russia, "presumably indeed is a lot of people in the west, and even western governments have intention to not intentional of look forward to. However, this possibility now it looks slim. This is because,nfl jerseys cheap a revolution storms will be formed in the form, in addition to the public discontent, also must have a clear goal, that is to say, want to have a ready-made painting very perfect" pie "before hanging in the way.In recent years, the economic growth results can't benefiting the most common people, corruption with the corruption and so on factors may do make Russian complaints is heavy, but they obviously don't like Libya and Syria insurgents that, to the future of the country has a clear blueprint. 20 years ago when the collapse of the Soviet union, they have been, but it was the bursting of the putin and make the in the Russian political situation now hub. Now, Mr Putin's popularity rating indeed are in decline, but on the other hand, the Russian people is not to be able to find enough to replace him another piece of the pie. On the other hand, include in the duma elections a lot of Russia's communist party benefit, had a opposition has enough power and resources to take on leadership, organize a "bad weather revolution" of the mission. In fact, without any signs that they were going to the campaign. Therefore, the Middle East and Europe and the United States by country in violent revolution and protest incentive, duma elections crisis may not not spread to the broader scope and higher level, but in Russia's the severe winter, its energy and can achieve achievement is doomed to be limited. History will prove, to change the Russian such a have unique and a long cultural traditions of the country is need a great deal of patience and wisdom. But no matter for the next "putin" or the opposition political power, today from a victory is the voice of the square a clear hint, only the future of Russia is ill.

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