
Is "positive" or "passive out" developers "retreat city" tracking

Beijing municipal bureau of industry and commerce has released in 2011, Beijing has 217 of foreign capital enterprise to withdraw from the market of real estate. Last year there were 473 room enterprises in Beijing cancelled. In some parts of the hotspot cities, some developers out of the real estate market. This is policy control of the "active choice," or excessive speculation of after the "passive out?" How to look at the real estate industry a new round of "shuffle", this house prices this year to what effect? To this, "xinhua viewpoint" reporter tracking survey. "From" subordinate property market "to" rushed to exit "in the current round of real estate before regulation," tap into real estate "to become the first choice of many enterprise the nuggets, even some manufacturing, services company also follow suit to join. But with the housing market regulation in-depth, cancellation,baseball sunglasses transfer, and turned...... Many companies from property market. February 13,, industrial and commercial bureau announces Beijing data showed that in 2011, the Beijing foreign real estate enterprise 129 a new home, an reduced by 55.82%. Earlier, the Beijing live is built appoint dispatch says, Beijing Oriental age 473 home such as real estate development enterprise, in the period of not lawfully after application continues, and its development and qualification already logged off. "This phenomenon is not unique to Beijing." Shanghai enjoysmart real estate, vice President of the institute YangGongXu said, in the property market pressure regulation under the joint action, more and more developers out of the sector. Wuhan city housing safeguard and the housing authority of data show that by the end of October 2011, wuhan list of real estate development enterprise 1375 home, than the same period last year more than 200 reduced. The head of the explained, wuhan city in enterprises listed room takes half the project development, and the other half developers "do nothing". Some looking for project, some may be withdrawn from the market. Notable is, in the "retreat city" development enterprise, many in recent years is not "subordinate property market" real estate company. Since last year, there have been ShuiJingFang, HTC, hengshun vinegar industry etc shares's 16 "in room" of the real estate market evacuated the listed company. The other chain home real estate market research, according to preliminary statistics, listed in 2011 room of enterprises, equity transfer 183 Pope, 65% more than last year. "This shows that some of the real estate listed company, is accelerating the transfer of real estate project." January 16,, with operating high-end real estate mainly of guangzhou Milky Way into announced liquor-making industry. Company officials said it will complete the enterprise transformation as soon as possible, to train a new growth point of liquor. This is the industry as room of enterprises "initiative adjusted". Chain home real estate analyst a monthly think, with real estate "golden decade" over, industry control more hasten is thorough, the real estate industry "profiteering era" or will end. "Retreat city" of the developers, many are "swimming naked" speculators, this is really just to squeeze out of the housing market regulation "bubble" one. House prices "reasonable adjustment" how far is it? Live JianBu recently stressed that the national real estate control policies will continue, some place to try to property market "relax" all have been stopped. Earlier, the central economic work conference stressed to reasonable prices back. All the signs are that, this year property market regulation would not relax. "Purchase, such as price fixing limit control policy, the reasonable prices for release regression still have space signal." House property a chain of of the survival of the fittest survive in principle, this year the developers will face policy high pressure, sales, flawed funds and pressures converging, survival more difficult. Shaanxi a real estate company general manager LuoMou said, many developers for, this year will be met three problems: a capital chain tightens, loans and to pay usury on schedule; 2 it is delaying project payment and migrant workers pay, will face conflicts and disputes; Three is sales prices range is too big, may suffer from old owner of pressure. "Now we consider not fall much reduced, but more than compensate compensate few questions." LuoMou said. China vanke Beijing company executives XiaoJin thinks, because of the policy system is not perfect, the domestic market after all is still "policy city". With the housing market regulation thorough, the development enterprise profits will probably more and thin. In response to the capital the tension, open a new round of financing large developers quietly curtain. Only in January this year, China vanke, China resources land holdings, golden section, capitaland, 12 home to bonds, real estate enterprises trust in capital market means such as financing 23.85 billion yuan. But at the same time, the room also will have high pressure due pay trust. Cathay Pacific hand to data shows, expires this year need to pay the total amount of real estate trusts to nearly $200 billion. Taken together, this year listed enterprises financing its cash room to the lows of receivables and sales of superposition, developers facing severe market test. In multiple pressures don't reduce cases, developers want to survive, in addition to "retreat city", can only sales prices. Many experts predict, will present the whole house prices this year "stability have fall" situation, house prices rationally adjust the expected goal to realize. Strengthening "retreat city" regulatory prevent owner "rights difficult" for two years in regulatory, part of the enterprise of real estate development, withdraw back into line or seek other field. To this, the industry thinks generally, the real estate industry to return to the rational development and, in general, "not do more harm than good". "Some developers' retreat city ', will speed up China's room of differentiation, promote enterprise faction of the survival of the fittest shuffle." YangGongXu said, in the face of such situation, have plenty of cash and management of the advantages of the leading company, will have a lot of m&a development opportunities. "At the same time, the developers' retreat city 'phenomenon happens, can also alert some rushed into real estate industry dilettante enterprise." Cause I love my family group vice President HuJingHui said, "it will make other industries to put capital market, focus on main industry development." "The more direct, some developers were forced to 'retreat city', will force a real estate enterprise change state of mind, price as soon as possible survival, speed up the reasonable prices fell back." YangGongXu said. But the reporter found in research, part of the real estate enterprise "retreat city" back there are some risk. First, lousy tail engineering increased, the owner of the house money already paid not checked in. Second, rights constantly imbroglio, defaults salary payment,NBA Hats migrant workers and bank debt phenomenon happens.Thirdly, the follow-up quality dispute is difficult to solve. In wuhan "jas qi apartment", because development enterprise misappropriate funds to open to booking, delaying project payment and the relevant taxes, 308 owner can't deal with house property card, building quality problem constantly. Then for suspected illegal raising $400 million, developers "play missing", the owners' rights impossible position. Against part of little rooms in high capital chain rupture or "retreat city" caused problem, wuhan hundred million room of the research centre MingJingJing experts suggest, relevant departments should enhance the real estate market supervision, the key is to perfect the supervision of the funds to open to booking. "Now the country had been part of a local deposit third party supervision, but still no national uniform standard." Some experts calls for a perfect place property right trading platform, the medium and small developers appear capital to rupture, can through regional property right trading market standard transfer project, avoid project as a "rotten tail engineering". The enterprises for room after the cancellation of development in the event that quality problem qualification, Beijing property market research director of central ZhangDaWei said, and relevant departments should establish quality tracking mechanism, involving the parties to do after a responsibility, avoid TouSuWuMen owner.

see more:Live JianBu policy research center: the property market regulation run not be moved for a long time

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