
Manufacturers make counterfeit brand "made in China" shame

Some Indian officials said yesterday, Chinese manufacturers are constantly increasing dynamics of counterfeit Indian Boolean company and Indian tobacco companies to consumer goods like giant production of the popular India products. Chinese manufacturers such forgery labeled "India manufacturing" label, and to the world supply, the main supply destination is India and African countries. This not only harm the legitimate brand, back to India each year by as much as $5 billion loss. India consumption tax and customs is chairman of the central committee of al gore says Chinese manufacturers "to these brand caused great loss.discount sunglasses Forgery apparently did not meet our standards, the price also supply is very low." In addition, China's manufacturers also produced many bogus nokia, adidas, reebok and ni d jas and other international large brand products, and to India and other parts of the world supply. See such news, can't help letting us sick. In fact, Chinese manufacturers forged the brand of others, manufacture fake and inferior commodities is not the first time. The first two years, the Chinese media exposure some medical manufacturers Africa are fake fake medicines, such as sold to Nigeria malaria drugs, clearly is a Chinese manufacturers the production of products, product packaging but in other countries of the printing a trademark. This was discovered, by many countries criticism. Chinese manufacturers in the international market of endless forged behavior, the means of fraud and without too much technical content, or even just a name brand name in other countries, but it can easily entrap consumer. Appear these show in recent years Chinese manufacturers are all too blundering, fraud or or fake or seems to be too easy to earn money, as long as it is fake products, is the brand name products, can change to the dollar, as long as it can produce, then people will want to use dollars to buy, so is seemed so thriving trade itself to kill themselves. In fact, some Chinese manufacturers eyes has been blundering commercial behavior from, so they are addicted to earn dollars at the same time, completely forgot the real business rules of the game-creation, production own brand, but forge, fake others brand. Also no wonder, forged the brand of others than create his own brand, more easy to earn money, so, who will go to innovation, create? But, the manufacturers of counterfeit others brand, the real ones, on the one hand, the influence of the Chinese people's reputation, on the other hand also let "made in China" shame. So, today is the result of inherent, made in China repeatedly suffers setbacks, questioning voice even more than the that year the voice of praise. Although some countries to China manufacturing tank, ShuiDongDaoXi, let the made in China have no way out, but we also look down on some Chinese manufacturer, the manufacture of fake and low-quality commodities, their quarrel with your bread and butter, lost his way. And Chinese manufacturers different is that many of the foreign manufacturers is based on creating the brand independent research and development. In Chinese manufacturers to touch, or even forged copy others when brand, but quietly for American manufacturing in again and again the transformation and upgrade. The United States is transferred to China and other countries processing products, its brand and design are American. Like gm, ford, Chrysler is the American car brand, and transfer to China is the production base, the enterprise real "brain" is still in the United States. China's auto industry though slowly in the American automobile industry substitution, but we can't just replace refers to how much more than they produce a gm, ford and Chrysler brand of car. Therefore, how to let consumers of "made in China" confidence, eliminate the minds of the consumers Chinese manufacturers forged impression is very important. At present, the Indian official or industry is to Chinese manufacturers forge "India manufacturing" rendering up a negative effect, but eliminate consumer concerns is the responsibility of the Chinese manufacturers. This aspect, Chinese manufacturers should be used for reference in the American manufacturer create brand, use the brand successful practices. More than ten for years, China has built a world is "cheap" factory empire, although has a large number of resources and human, but China still lack the globally recognized brand. More important is,nfl jerseys cheap Chinese manufacturers can't always forge others brand, walk the low end of the market, such as a result, only the QuCheng most of the food chain bottom, namely sell less than good price, and being accused. Chinese manufacturers should try hard to become external pressure for inner power, and constantly optimize the industrial structure and realizing from "quantitative change" to "qualitative" more than the process of creating "China brand." Establish the international recognition of the first-class brand, so, that is, won the international market recognition, and upgrade the made in China in the status of international industry chain.

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