
Only the land private can save China economy

You don't agree with, China's economy has the institutional investment and consumption repressed impulses? That is to say, if not coming from the external world of strong absorption, so will appear insufficient effective demand, production relative surplus? But the problem, and in the past has not a problem, because western countries borrowing and spending, deficit spending, the Chinese overcapacity absorbed. In fact, until the second half of 2003, we sector of the economy and economists still talking about stimulating domestic consumption, avoid deflation. Joining the WTO is saved the Chinese economy, join WTO annual average 26% of export growth saved China's economy. But today, the western countries in the crunch, savings in rise, spending on the decline. Foreigners never want lived big villa yesterday, today have no houses to live life. They are more willing to smooth his life consumption. They clearly come over, their way of life is in the past by the fiscal deficit, the hair of the realization of the money, not sustainable. Do you agree or disagree with, the western countries are not two or three years to complete the structure adjustment, the short time can resume normal growth? That is to say, China must be structure adjustment: mainly rely on exports and investment from stimulate economic growth, the transition to rely on consumption,best sunglasses investment and export joint work up economic growth, especially the transition to rely on domestic consumption up economic growth. But, consumption is behind income: no income, it is a joke that consumption; Have the income, don't let people spending it might not have. Rich not spending, don't buy the coffin? Common people not spending the first consideration, they have the income growth. Income has two sources, one is labor income, the other is balance of income. Now in China, because the land, and other important factors of production of the state, and the people get another source of income is human broken. To determine the income of people may not be effective growth. Last year, GDP growth of 9.2%, while the government revenue is growing 25%, then the question, people are below the income growth of GDP growth. This is a important system of reason. In experience, we have not seen a country, land and other important factors of production are all countries, but people income growth fast, is rich, the domestic consumption of strong demand. In fact, it is not difficult to increase income people. A piece of land, if people just have access and earnings, no right of transfer, then the land value in the market will greatly abate. And if still have at the same time transfer rights, then the land value in the market will rise sharply. It is said, only to the complete definition of property, land value will rise sharply, and the people of the assets of the income will soar. This also is to say, only to the complete the definition of property right, can effectively increase the income people, and boost domestic consumption. Say to the definition of property right of land to individuals, someone will say: land privatization, some poor management of farmers, lost land life is no guarantee? Strange to say, our society there is always some people, like when a person's home, do the Lord of the others. You said land privatization, they say lost land peasants poor management of life is no guarantee? You said do private school, they said private school is no guarantee quality, hurt your children? As if they care about my child super is better than we care about their children, as if they care about the fate of the farmers more than farmer brother concerned about their own destiny, like our children, our farmer brother, in their "concern" really live a good life, read up on the good school like. People don't consumption, but also to the real estate and mainly long-term asset prices rising blessing have relations. Asset prices rising long-term blessing, this improved people the opportunity cost of consumption. Think about it, a sum of money if today used to spend than investment, then, yeah, it would give up in asset markets for multiple revenue opportunity, in this case, no compression consumption that is a fool. As to the real estate prices are rising long-term assets blessing, except for the government to send money, and apart from all countries have relationship with the land. The land owned by the state, the economy would lack income carrier. After 30 years of sustainable growth, China has had a huge income stream. This income, must want to have the load bearing carrier. In western countries, land and other important factors of production are private all, every inch of the land, each kind of important elements, are carrying the carrier of income. But we are different, and land, and other important factors of production are all countries, because the cause of the system and not be a stock market, real estate and become a huge income can carry the limited number of one of the carrier, so it is very hard not to strong demand. Think about it, if the land private ownership, so I that hundreds of thousands of dollars is not to invest in the house, but will return to their hometown rural to buy a piece. Although money is not much, but their hometown rural land waste, much less valuable ah. It is not necessarily expected value, but I can choose to vacation in an idyllic life style. But now, I can only investment house. I is individual, trivial, but hundreds of millions of people's collective action will have consequences. Why western countries like us real estate prices no long-term soar up? In addition to their practice outside house property tax, and their private all of land was not the relationship. In fact, asset bubble is not only depressed consumption, also kill industry and commerce. Would like to do industry, but investigation a lap down, manufacturing or services or are not ChaoFang make money. You is a former entrepreneur, you still have idea to do industry? Of course can use investment to replace consumption and promoting the economic growth. But, the investment short-term is demand, long-term and form supply. Perhaps you will say: you have all the land countries said so alarmist, but in the past, we don't is all land country? We are not so high growth? We are not so created the "Chinese miracle"?To this,NHL Hats I want to say is: its circumstances alter cases, the past success does not mean the future success. In the past, land country all is not to say that it is not a disease, but the resulting excess capacity can be absorbed western countries. But now, still can rely on exports to drive the high growth? In the future, must change the national income distribution of the proportion of the government too high, and the products of the present situation of state monopoly operation. And the land, and other important factors of production private all is necessary policy options. These questions do not solve, and the people's income may not effective growth. No income growth, the consumer may not real ascension, economic growth will have to rely on investment pulling, given to long-term buried more hidden trouble. Land and other important factors of production private all, not only can let people get asset returns and effective increase their income, increase domestic consumption, but also increased the wide space absorb excessive money, can effectively restrain the real estate bubble.

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