
Firmly support tax cuts 1 trillion immediately

The original question: alert to high levels of taxation impact on economic growth is the transformation of the economic transformation "1025" period of an important strategy target, but, for now, high-growth is serious fiscal constraints for the realization of the transformation. The Treasury published by the data shows, in 2011 the total income tax as high as 8.9 trillion, an increase of 22.6%, tax more than 19% of GDP. Among them, the enterprise income tax income tax revenue accounts for 18.7% of Beijing's, and at last September raised the tax amount shall be exempted from after the overall tax burden not only not reduce tax, but rose. Considering the released early as high as 10.4 trillion annual revenues, and keep the nearly 25% of high growth, we have to worry about, so in tax revenue growth mode under, economic growth, how can realize the transition smoothly. At present, China's economic excessive dependence on government investment and export and import, domestic demand has not yet been in GDP growth play a major role in the process, and the consumption of GDP than in the past ten years of falling for present situation. At present,best sunglasses China's household consumption only a third of GDP, less than half of the developed countries, developing countries also far lower than the average level of 55%. The next five years, in order to maintain sustainable economic growth, China's economy must achieve the smooth transition toward relying mainly on internal demand, get rid of the government leading new path, realize industry upgrading and structure optimization. However, the tax years of high-growth seriously hindered the smooth transition of China's economy, the harm is great. First, the tax extraordinary growth, and serious deviation from GDP growth, which deeply demoralized folk capital development industrial passion, interfere with the normal development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Originally, the deformity of the financial system and tightening monetary cycle, so that small and medium-sized enterprise have days was very difficult, plus the high tax burden, and small and medium-sized enterprise can only further into vulnerable groups, serious impact on the employment creation mechanism. Various kinds of taxes in the enterprise business seems too out of date. At present, the value added tax of 17%, 25% of the enterprise income tax, in addition, city building duty (business tax of 7%), price adjustment funds and so on many kinds of fees, plus the environmental sanitation assess fee, fire fee, employee health expenses, etc all kinds of charges and confiscated, plus some place not on the charges, and small and medium-sized enterprise's real even a very large tax burden of data. Although the voice of the tax cuts to small and medium enterprises has been heard, but is always effective little. Current number tens of thousands of small micro enterprise as an example, the past two years the reduction or exemption of total tax each year in 30 billion or so, less than five over one thousand of the total tax deductibles. If considering cuts in the process of the tough standards, not the 1000 all enjoy the tax cuts, so in fact may still lower than the disappointing cut helped drive the Numbers. At the same time, the tax department around in recent years significantly increased the tax collection and management strength, to deal with the tax cuts bring them "income" pressure, a lot of enterprises reasonable avoid (fled) road of the tax break. In such a tax cut under the logic, and small and medium-sized enterprise of the tax burden, if you put your must also unlike past relaxed. Just for ordinary people, the tax burden have pain in the neck. Up to 45% of personal income tax rates, let the middle class in China has been difficult to large-scale molding, plus social security system is insufficient, people will have to most of the income used for education, pension and medical care, difficult to have more cash for daily consumption. Although each year alone total retail sales figures, Chinese residents' consumption doesn't seem small, domestic demand doesn't look is a problem, but it contains more behind is the amount of days pessimistic income, the distribution system malformation. Reality to watch,cheap nfl jerseys the majority of the public the consumption demand of ascension, continue to massive tax cuts is the best policy. If the individual income tax rate can be reduced by half, shall be exempted from the lowest amount and then promoted some, certainly will will form a huge income into the consumer market. In the meantime, if match with appropriate reform of the income distribution, China domestic demand can burst huge potential energy. As prime minister wen jiabao said, "tax cuts and adjusting income distribution is now the most important two things". So, also goes to the government investment, washed away by the real estate bubble two big engine of economic "hard" risk, to realize the economic great transition. Yes, the tax cuts is China to realize the economic transformation of the necessary conditions. Value added tax, consumption tax, business tax, the individual income tax have will step down the space. Although the tax cuts short term may cause tax revenue growth to slow down, but from the long term, but improved the efficiency of enterprises, improve the actual income of the residents, the more cake made, will only make tax revenue to return to high growth. Such a good thing, why not aggressive cash?

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