
In 2011 the general level of commodity prices rose 8.2%

Tuesday's friends, to make more international political and diplomatic experts. The dinner, Chinese people's university professor JinCanRong doctor says, I don't understand the economy, but there is a problem don't understand, 2010 total GDP about 4 billion yuan, in 2011 about 4.7 billion yuan,best sunglasses the growth rate is about 17%, and the bureau of growth rate of 9.2%, is this why? Don't ask don't know, ask a jump. Very ashamed, as make economic research of scholars, almost no one in the first time to answer the question. Bureau of GDP is the amount of value in the name, and the growth rate is real growth rate, is the comparable price, deduct the prices up factors. But the public does not know, the bureau of what price growth rate is deducted, prices are ShangZhangLv CPI. Let us to calculate. In 2010 GDP for 40.1513 trillion yuan, in 2011 total GDP for 47.1564 trillion yuan, nominal growth rate of 17.4%. In 2011, the consumer price index (CPI growth rate 5.4%, if recoup CPI, the actual GDP growth of 12%. But the state bureau of actual GDP growth rate of 9.2%, is this why? Bureau of GDP is calculated constant price computation, the nominal growth rate and real growth rate for the difference between the GDP deflator, represents the general level of prices, rather than the consumer price level. Therefore,cheap nfl jerseys the comprehensive look, in 2011 the general level of commodity prices actually rose 8.2%, rather than the consumer price rose 5.4%. That is, CPI rose by 5.4%, not consumption that the rising prices so much, but including production material, the general level of commodity prices are up 8.2%, and the price of our life much more influence. Economic data is very important, but to see how you calculation, how to choose.

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