
The peach blossom falls to the ground already and serializes 31 for thousand years(long article romance)

The peach blossom falls to the ground already and serializes 31 chapter 11s for thousand years(long article romance):Peach blossom emersion broke lunar jacket to also conveniently take off down, sit to his lightly hand him after death, intend really once annoyed to him.At this time, white light the Cha is now...Break Bin to burst upon, directly roared a sentence, do you want to harm to die him!!There are various emotions in the tone, but the most is to blame, my Leng is over there and looking at him, these days of not originally good moods were adjusted out by him, talked to use of wear so blunt?Do I want to kill him?To, ha ha..I am to want to kill him, you how again!!As the pretty woman, you always run toward secular world, seeing to you was to want to scare to death!His tone at enmity with is kind,best sunglasses my tone as usual can!Is thinking oneself fairy house and then can literally accuse people wrongly!!!Remaining Ting!!You don't want to be dizzy with success!He died to have no advantage to you!!Your leaf is dead 2 slice, if have no 3 slices to stay at you nearby, even if you complete a task.As usual want to go to transmigration of soul!Break Bin don't have the sort gentleness that I know, change terribly...You fax so spirit to him, the root is to want to kill him!!How?Can an individual really so will change?Why at present of be the person over to completely and all lose an original gentleness?How is that my ability!!The chest blocks up spirit..The tears flowed down a while, this was all from cradle to the grave strong turn into naught...He how can so?This whole life, ..Not..Is that this is several to livings several a life times, am I easy?In the other people's eyes, I am strong, I am the cachinnation that can have no to have scruples about!But the bitterness of my heart who will know?In addition to discommoding, it is still an injustice...He!I will think a way by myself, you roll for me!!Roll!!!The Ting rolls!!!At roll this sound haven't completely fallen in, breaking the Bin has already disappeared to be missing and calculates you to know mutually!!Know to run first before I deliver a violent wind..The wrath hasn't completely quelled, and then has a problem to put in front of me...Ah...Now how do?Break a lunar condition of the injury more long more difficult cure,really want him to like this lead from cradle to the grave?Bite lips, very anxious to bite lips to wear.But how wear again to also have no way.I really fail, this matters can not do..On the bed of break the lips color in month to deliver purple, see come be doing not cure for him, his life will have no and how do?How to do?How to do...I walk around in the building, although just several distances of step, but already full head big sweat, Be getting more worried to death..How to exactly help him..I deeply take a suck at spirit and stabilize own fidgety, sit down to meditate, the heart falls calm right away, the in the mind secretly scolds oneself not to fight to excel, between the cup and the lip now, what ways all have no..Temple lord had a meal.My fierce one Zheng, so quick?Ego once says, I couldn't say this temple, these two words any further, so what do I say?Sum...It is nerve-racking...This doesn't eat in the outside.Make them take to come in.Sometimes, I really feel that I am a genius..Ha ha ha ha..BE!Today's vegetables how is all Hun, braise in soy sauce meat, braise in soy sauce fish, braise in soy sauce sparerib and braise in soy sauce....Faint, three drops of sweat leaves..How to all braise in soy sauce..See middle, ..Have consomme!!Blare....Finally find out a not is braise in soy sauce of..Consomme?My brain inside Shan an information, but how didn't I hold tight?Consomme?Exactly what is the consomme ?!!I recruit a spring eye within left eye, O.K. this also returned me while returning my body...Is the spring eye really useful?The eyebrows doesn't aware of self of wrinkly ignored together, try..Try total than don't try well..Carry achievement break a month to put into spring, inside the dint stream into a spring eye and broke lunar facial expression to gradually have an amendment, the downfall of the sweat a drop per drop, the physical strength starts some can not stand up..Ah...Look own fighting skill also only so-so, settle settle dollar absolute being, again hair achievement..In the mind secretly tells himself/herself, must help to break a month, can not give up..Have already given up whole achievements to to the utmost leave..The clothes almost are soaking through..And inside dint how also lift not to come up, my wanting don't reserve of inside do all of the dint pass him?Positive and anti- flounder..Calculate, saved him to save him, greatly not die, next time again rebirth.Don't go, don't go, saved him, if I died, task over don't become.How to do?How to do....The true spirit starts a string at my body internal rebellion.BE go off accidentally to go into an evil omen?Don't go!!I control hard true spirit, but it how also be free from me to control, see, must pass him, true spirit gather till 1:00, mercilessly all true spirit stream into a spring eye, now that spread is also dead, don't spread is also dead.Don't spread Jin vein to also unexpectedly break, that I spread, choose an a little bit good death method..!!!I feel that the head is more and more big, very suffered, what is the row?The organ of each part of body's seeming to be all is moving.!!Burst!!Good heavens, if make me choose, I wish to choose Jin vein to unexpectedly break!!!!Elder sister, are you awake?How, did you also die?Ha ha, is really a heaven's will, I really want to smile, but all emotions turn tears...Elder sister, what's the matter with you?How to cry?Didn't I save you?How did you also die?Ah...Elder sister, what do you say..What die deathless...It isn't much lucky..Broke a month to connect Pei three elder sisters, thanked you to save me...Xi Xi..Didn't I die???Break a month?Ha ha...Nothing important..Saving you is I should do of.Like, you go out..I am also getting more tired, I think that I takes a break!Looking at to break a month to walk out, I immediately meditate and see inside the body, before I faint, that the felling is definitely not false!!Yi?How did my heart arrive the right side?Inside the dint pour is ratio originally Gao many.Is this what is the row?Use the true spirit revolved in the body for nine week skies, unexpectedly compare originally want relaxed of many, see come this time is benefit from adversity..Start, moved to move physique.Just sat to the front of the mirror, the person is stunned speechless, rubbed to rub a forehead, I not is appeared illusion?Peach blossom???Did the peach blossom come out?Not is say that all of ten slices of leaves appearing a peach blossom just can reappear?10 slice?Temple lord?You are all right?The sky soars to anxiously clap a door...Boon?Are you an elder brother??The elder sister says that he or she wants to take a rest..You don't bother her.Break a month.....That I wait at the door, you return to, the body is just right, much rest rest..Ha ha...Have me here.Don't !!The elder sister lets I am in the outside of, you return to..Had me to go here...Why still need to put~to the troubl you?Why looking at so me, is the elder sister says of, you return to quickly..Break a month, the sky soars..You come in!If still don't make them come in, point uncertain them around this words?The file of Pao  wrings to cut a phrase to bake Gu to forgive!5  Qiaos move old Zhong Yu of the E value Nai Qiao Yi chrysalis Tun Xie Xun accidentally the Fu grow a cherry to depend a stupid time the skill Xian Nai Qian Chai female phoenix to depend on a male the ∏ Ken Huan Jie Nuo tax!M .The  Qiao Xin Liang Fu Chuang  plays the bitterness cow Ke Kang to cut a phrase to bake Shi the  of the pox one  don't play to engrave the Yu Yao  industry acre Men two!!M .First the  Hun Fu Ci サ mold utters bad Sha Wu of the Fu Chun Hu Lian to chop down こ Zhun to blow Mo!!6 luck s lead long  Yi to flick inclined Bian  Ao!!N B Bo Hui  wave  Fu rushes こ Zhun to blow the mold  Qiong each window umbrella!:The Qiang is just!6 Ta  each Chus!I Xia Wu the emperor cut a bed emperor's ten mulberry pit Xie acts eight party Zhun Ci D!L Yu Bi the difficult Qu  Mao last home Gui Nuo dream industry Mei stir in a sudden Huang Li Mo three handsome!=Jing E more close than emperor Yi  grain the  Li blow eyes  each time!A Que shows Lu to buy each Chu!N B remits the Ding  Ji mirror milk wholesale supreme hats Yue thief tax umbrella!The J cuts fierce snow pellets person  of lips to buy empty Liao words Wei Ke Song party  Sung Yi of each Chu to fade to pry close Li of  to blow to take Chu to engrave Yu Chen each time!The C emperor captures!The N Yi ⑾ Zhi Zou past Qie Min Yong in a sudden Huang Tong?Is stupid to gather together the Xun Wei Rang Song  Huang Ping Sou  blow where the Zou Γ Xin  Gan look forward!:The Qiang is just!2 Hui  Lang bridge Lu Qians connect to unload past sheath of  to cut Chu!!The N Yi fades to send the Huang Yao alliance  to invade the  Kui  industry a male the brain Mao Mo Ye Kou Nai Lyu Luo!E D!6 Yues play the Wan  load S luckily Huan Wu Song hence  Ke!The Qian Wu of the L Wan  is private small!!!=Is small!!6 Suis!=The Xing cuts stupid vinegar Ning!The D of E Du!=The Xie Zun fishing Chen!6 Yues play  . Hong fresh Se may.Dredge to axe before the emperor mulberry to dredge the alliance of Ke Qian to depend on to bear  Yue Di to toss Chuo to forgive U Chi and the Dun Ling Huang  !N Also the Huang Be fresh to carry  .The ∪ alliance  night Zhi..〗 Jing Ke!D Yong the hot Huai Huang is fresh the Xia Tan carrying  to knock the Chun ざ Wu to cough the Quan  Wei bandit  act Ai to show to capture the Mao Jing Qian arch!The N industry herding Cheng Huang Lun clever badge Mao Mao Xian act the  Shan Si Xin close Chu!!#Does the ㄎ grant Bang  ?

article source:www.yoursunglass.comThe United States' developing a vaccine medicated plaster may replace vaccine needle in the future

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