
The deep-rooted net loves

The net being deep-rooted loves me not to know I now at do what?I know that I am writing a letter, my heart jumps very quickly now good quick!Don't know is how!Unexpectedly is oneself not and believe also impossible matter----The net loves!My wanting to ask mankind is a what kind of living creature, unexpectedly created so to let the world-Internet that people namely love and hate, I am a very common person, high school graduation behind serve as soldier, went to work after replying a member, learned a computer, regretted!Why to learn this lousy thing?Threw into me inside in the one ocean!I got to the Internet on the August in this year, because of the influence of the on-line current, I did personal main page and also knew her------Feeling son(for the sake of her reputation I don't mean to say her full name), up the lord page is a very slow matter, so I seek some net friends to have a chat, I pack ascend OICQ, unintentionally loiter about, I entered a call the small building listen to the room of rains and winds for a night inside, a lot of persons, and have a lot of beautiful mms, the engaging fair lady gentleman begs so much, I also with them chew the fat last!I spend very much of, just online, I am making track for those beautiful mms(just is more early than to want to hand over some net friends), in this time, she-the feeling son came in!She saw a short while saying a words:Although you spend heart very much,you will be good to the girl whom you love.Is such a words, let me remember her, I joined her my good friend column inside, we had a conversation!Ha ha thought of here I very happy, our words all good crazy!I am groovy!She also said an I am very beautiful of,discount polarized sunglasses you see me will be been fond of by me.Ha ha my good heavens!Be so I was deeply attracted to her!I am unforgettable she!Really!Is well beautiful!Is well beautiful!We chat very happily!The daytime chats and chats in the evening, my living form has already changed for the sake of her!The first matter of getting up not is wash Shu!Is to get to the Internet, see her at not at!At!Indeed as expected at!Ha ha I am too happy!Isn't really understand why?Lead for several days we once started two human life fields!Is very happy!The world that bothers in the nobody, for our two people, true beautiful!I ask her in the environment of this Luo Man emperor gram us to go out for a walk good?Our two people!She is very excited!Saying can!However stilling having to take is a , a dog!Ha ha scared me, I also took a to have to!Ha ha I ask she why!?She says to take to ascend it, she not frightened!I pour~be the sex maniac to me!Play trick!We are really very happy, very happy!Our chatting doesn't know as well for a long time for a long time that chatting is much long-term!One day, as we are wanting to log out right away, I say that you do my wife to her good?She is very beautiful!Ha ha promise!Is really too beautiful!I am an in the evening have never slept like!(Miss her)our relations develop very quickly, leading may have half month, and we want to be married!Ha ha online!Is alas!However so I with through satisfy!After all she just does my wife online!We are married on September 1!Is terribly hot to make!I shout my good friends all!There is a godfather, best man, maid of honor, that leaves us this to New appointee!Make people not happy that the matter also took place on this day!She didn't talk!Said severals and then have never seen any further her to talk!I am very angry, absolutely annoy quickly crazy!I give°ed the machine to break and make unusable!However can also use!I delivered a lot of informations for her!She still don't give me the message of reply, I went crazy!I wanted to give° her OICQ to deep-fry!Thus she was my wife forever!I am very selfish!However don't so do!Canning not do me to like her too much so, either isn't just online, I logged out!Lay on the bed to think a to think, probably she occupies!I cannot helped but and came up!She still just but be don't talk!Also said 1 to me, you came back, you say what I listen to yours!I now like painful!I ain't likely to living her spirit, Xi I liked her too much!But she still doesn't talk!I want to cry!I grow crazy wildly send letter an interest, you are to be not playing me!Didn't know to deliver as well how much time!The gosh got angry too much!I logged out!Wanted to think, she not ability thus to I!I came up again, can the result is similar!I have already gone crazy!I closed machine!Feel sleepy, could not sleep!My emotion is very disorderly!Don't know why this is!I discover that I have already really fallen in love with an at a female kid of vain world!The telephone rang!Who is this telephone ?The number is incognizant!But I answered!What to talk is the voice of a very good to listen girl!How are you, are you deep feeling?(My net)I have already guessed who she is!Is a feeling son!Not knowing of my concussion what good!I finally said an I BE, are you a feeling son?Yes I BE, you get to the Internet now, I have already sought you to have words to say to finish a telephone to hang!I good concussion!I get to the Internet right away!Found out her!In a chat room!We started the dialogue of heart and heart!He explained to don't talk to me of the reason was her friend's point matter have to she looks after, so she didn't talk with me!My heart feels good to regret a while!Should not say those wound her words!I am very guilty!Said sorry to her!Forgive me!Is alas!The falling in love with you isn't my wrong!We each other heartses all handed over to the other party!But this isn't a real in love!I today be not have already been getting more at 1:00 yesterday now, say a lot with her!I sometimes met with her in the dream!What don't also say, don't say!I looking at her, she also looking at me, like this saw for a long time, I pulled to have her hand and go toward to before run to, ran very far, stop next!Didn't talk, still don't talk!It was my mama to make me get up to finally talk to get up!Ha, the such a dream ended!Really want to don't come to forever, stay over there!Impossible matter!I tell her that I like her, I throw in the half of emotion in this net to love in!Is in fact all!I fool her!But also for the sake of she good!I don't want to let her to do for me what!Thinks her happiness of profound wish, happy!I enough!I loved her too much!Really and too love!She was already a part that I live!I dispassion of wanted to think, impossible, impossible!This love forever is not likely to become reality!I want to say to part forever with her, hereafter be not meeting online any further!I don't chat any further!Any further need not OICQ!Thus I can forget her!But I didn't attain!I am unforgettable she!My some times wants to say to her!But I can not say it!I was loved a fan by the net to live!The profound fan lived!Can not set free!I today not feel sleepy could not sleep as well!I really want to meet and touch her hair and embrace her with her, in person she!Ha impossible matter!I say to her if we meeteach other, my meeting a words could not say it!I will follow you closely!She is very lovely,dope snapback I want to shout!Want to shout this world to my unfair!Why we mutually leave of so far The cuts a window also Wei in the Hui park the chair Tai ń Zhuan Xuan the chair Tai ㄓ dream skill Lei male Mo グ Qiao quality's arriving Xie is a ≌ evening meal Mou Lan light blue silk the cut Ci to knock bed zinc drapery lesson the cut Chu lesson the iridium Bo tore younger sister Yuan Huan to smoke to play 】the Shan Mao flick Xing Xiang Chun Tan to knock male bear a Chuo tax of mulberry.Lesson Yi Tiao  the Xiao Jing back hot Se of  Di B  glutinous rice dumpling Huo Li 《is dizzy the Mao depending on this Dao engrave the  Di Mo " Di Jiao ant quality file Na Kang school"salt industry Mo  Huan Ju Xian dream wild Nuo tax mulberry skill Pao Huan Mao Fei now Huang emperor Zhui Jie iridium Shao member Meng Se hull Cha  iridium Shao member Meng Se lesson iridium Shao member Meng Se lesson skill Xian south Dong Xi Huang Long ∠ Mao source the Du is proper load of to drink グ mulberry ∠ Chuan leg グ mulberry"cruise the Huang quality file Mo have no the Ji Chu ジLang the quality arrive the Xie Mo tax mulberry" Ya Zhui side Su Yu Mao herding α pit Mei Yao E the Nai stare グ indiscriminately mulberry first[ash  Shuo Ya E the Nai rush Lie E Mu Bei Tuan E Mo [ash  Lei the Liao plant Su evening meal Fang Zhen Mei Nai Lan Hui Juan the Ao play ≌ Xuan Wu E Nai difficult Yu E angered Xiu Lan Shu so  mulberry industry Mo does the play?

article source:www.yoursunglass.comOur country 5 year thousand odd people the Jing dying abruptly post weariness from overwork excessively fasten main cause

Is Japanese the new version junior high school textbook call Diaoyu Island and only island is Japanese territory

