
Beg for the crow of justice

Crow magpie and crow that beg for justice live under the same sky, but the people of this worlds all like magpie not to like a crow.The crow feels unfair:The magpie is to compare my body up many what time white?In addition two of us also have no what big of differentiation?Why saw her being like to see a baby, but making me regarding as the Wen absolute being, disaster star?The crow more wants to more feel unfair and more wants to more come to annoy, a pull magpie to seek Phoenix king of 100 birds to beg for justice!The Phoenix finishes listenning to a crowThe Wa Wa Wa WaOf after a statement, smiling of made people put to descend a table of flourishing dinner party to say:You seldom arrive me here come a , had a meal first I then said to two of you justice.I had some a matter, didn't accompany you!Eat,Fashion hat don't have what have scruples about, finish saying like oneself's home the Phoenix turned round to walk.The crow starts still packing as cultured as magpiely, similar and graceful bearing.Was edible to eat and then peeped out it that is greedy stupid of originally mutually.He is being simply to jump to to the utmost pick up in the table to is good and match an eating of flavor.The Diao lives a cake of to jilt toward both sides, the Diao lives another cake of and jilts toward both sides and in a short while make a full table of wolf books, return Wa Wa in mouth of call:Really eat well, true delicious!Until eat the necks were all curved don't come down to just shut up!Just finished eating, the Phoenix came back, she touched the head of crow asking:Do you still want to beg for justice from me?The crow is beating satisfied Ge and saying:Want, the E E certainly wants, your rice can take care of, I had justice I walk during a lifetime to where can popularly drink hot.E!The Phoenix laid up smiling face and seriously said:Is all right!That I come right away justice to your.Why do people like magpie?Being much more than her outward appearance is more beautiful than you, and her nature is also kinder than you.You not only outward appearance not equal to magpie, your behavior bearing notter equal to magpie, you see you just of behavior, stupid, and have insatiable greed.Common saying says that the behavior is the concrete embodiment of mind, those behaviors of yours expose eyes meaning that the dirty and mean Phoenix of your mind looking at a crow to deeply grow ground to continue to say just:Canning have beautiful outward appearance and mind at the same time is certainly good!But have no beautiful outward appearance also unimportant, if had a mind of beautiful docile,cool Women D&G Sunglasses people are similar will like you.People most hate of is have no beautiful outward appearance and have no the person of beautiful mind!Do you say that they will like you?The crow is ashamedly lowly head, the ground of Wa Wa called to fly to walk.Don't know that it is to have disillusion to still be continuing to deliver grievance! Note:This work is very small sky of original, the network redistribution pleases note to come from 《one article story net 》 and mark clearly author, welcome paper coal to publish, please turn to tell!QQ1250714998

article source:www.yoursunglass.comThe strong cold air influence is yellow the south of the Huai reduce the heat to reach to 14 ℃ to perhaps influence health

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