
The side in peeling should how to maintain

Do you often in a little red, a little on both sides of the nose desquamate, also the illusion that she is sensitivity skin, even thought that aren't clean face? Be careful oh, you probably have seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis, which is in the human body has the most sebaceous glands of the skin, produce the skin infection mean. Often occur in the scalp, nose, ears and eyebrows on both sides, breast is human body sebaceous glands most place. These local skin, there will be red and peeling now like; I have sent yellow and greasy scurfy, itch a bit and not too itching, is the most often performance. Relative to the scalp seborrheic dermatitis often caused a itchy reaction, the face of the fat leak skin inflammation general itch is lighter, but instead of the problem of great beauty. Many women will often attack on both sides of the nose in red peeling reaction,D&G Aviator Sunglasses feel is not able to bear or endure, not only, it is hard to makeup, sometimes daub emulsion when still can aculeate keenly feel, some women even the illusion that she is sensitivity skin, with a pile of maintain article but not get better, also suspects that his face didn't wash clean, get along while, tired, more serious health condition! Seborrheic dermatitis in addition to accept treatment besides, maintenance do it well, here is the way of maintenance: 1. Don't use too much to oil, chamfer simple product: although seborrheic dermatitis often grown in the sebaceous glands more place, but excessive to oil, chamfer is likely to cause it's happened, but are generally women especially love in this area for oil, chamfer to work, such as using wonderful nasal stick, apply chamfer, use the green soybean meal, towel gourd water, should be strictly prohibited. 2. Give appropriate protection: once produced seborrheic dermatitis, in addition to avoid further injury, but also can use some low sensitivity of cream protects, as soon as a good skin membrane, avoid further damage. 3. Do not excessive cleaning: in seborrheic dermatitis skin, using harsh lower grandma, can avoid further injury, also prevent cause! 4. Should not use discharge makeup fluid, water discharge makeup oil type discharge makeup product: in addition to discharge makeup fluid, in order to let the oil can be dissolved water, water type some makeup oil many add many surfactants, leakage of inflammation of skin for fat skin often of irritating oh! 5. Body and mind relax: pressure but seborrheic dermatitis number one enemy oh! In addition to the above beyond,new era hats at present seborrheic dermatitis is new the steroid drug can be used. Get rid of steroid treatment before better, but can only short-term use, the steroid treatment not beautiful problems. Now new the kind of solid alcohol drugs not only curative effect is good, also can use for a long time, is the patient's great news, only the only fly in the ointment is the drug for about eight hundred yuan at one's own expense, but for repeated attacks of seborrheic dermatitis indiiduals, can say is always worth it.

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