
Naked sleep like bubble hot spring has seven big curative effect

Some say, naked sleep is a cheap without any charge of health care methods. In the experts eyes, scientific choice naked sleep does possess some strange "effect". A curative effect, promote the blood circulation. "Naked sleep can reduce clothing the bondage of feeling, bring the sebaceous glands and promote the secretion of sweat glands, and make the blood circulation unobstructed." Experts said. And people often cold occasionally try to a naked sleep, will feel the warm, comfortable, and can quickly fall asleep. Curative effect 2: put to sleep. There was a village of Hokkaido,NFL Hats all of the inhabitants have naked sleep habits, almost no one insomnia. 'study of naked sleep in northern Japan doctor pill mountain chun points out, naked sleep help nerve pressure regulation, can eliminate fatigue, muscle relaxation of the tight, help into deep sleep, for insomnia people have certain comforting. Curative effect three: the reduced pressure, remove pain. Research points out, naked sleep is like a bubble hot spring, remove after in clothing, increased blood flow to the skin, the body produces the heat natural send out, wrapped in around, let the human body the self-protection ability was improved. This "free" feeling to make body and mind is loosened, can alleviate daytime because nervous disease and pain, had dysmenorrhea, shoulder neck waist pain people might as well try. Curative effect four: improve constipation. Naked sleep to improve tension disease is effective, especially abdominal viscera, nervous system easy to eliminate the tensions, such as chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, etc. Curative effect five: beauty. Experts told reporters: "have no clothes isolation, bare skin to absorb more nutrients, ensure smooth breathing, accelerate the metabolism of speed, which is beneficial to the leather fat discharge and regeneration, let skin has a fully feeling." Curative effect six: HuSi place. Female genitals perennial in a wet state, naked sleep can avoid underwear become a hotbed of growth mould, reduce a disease of department of gynaecology possibility. Experts say, men wearing pants sleeping, groin, ham inside and secret place perspire more private, wet environment easy to increase the chance of pathogens come into urethral mouth, cause urinary tract infection, reproductive organs. In addition, testicular also need to breath, the outside temperature was too low, can maintain normal male hormone secretion. Curative effect seven: help sex. "Naked sleep can enhance sexual desire,baseball hats help the sexual appetite decrease couples to start normal sex." Japan university, professor of social welfare log, points out that "men naked sleep can let testicular temperature drop, sperm become more lively, natural to strengthen the libido." Japan urologists water in male sex apathy research problems found in process, a naked sleep habits, men in their sex life can become more confident, husband and wife life more to put open, and this to promote the mutual trust between the sexes, and promote the relationship between husband and wife have good help.

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