
Five daily behavior loss can prevent the body 3 action

Daily some ACTS injury and body set of and blood, in life do not pay attention to avoid the behavior, the health of the body will sell at a discount greatly. Today to tell you first small make up what behavior very hurt the inner parts and the blood, and give you some health care little advice. Long depending on the injury blood "long depending on the injury blood" means a long time use eyes are easy to myopia or some kind of eye disease. TCM holds that "XingZhu will this within the", so eye damage is not pure eyes is sick. If the old used to long attention reading newspapers, and again not cooperate with the proper amount of rest and activity, or didn't get sleep of the factors such as regulation,MLB Cap as time passes, can appear bai grooves or consciously dizzy, two eyes dry, inspect content not clear and so on XuZheng blood. Long lying hurt gas "long lying hurt gas" means people for a long time in bed, old just lie still, can cause mental giddy, weak and cause gas sprawl, not condensed, time is gas scattered, unable to turn to god, and the human spirit is weak and weary god force, a vicious cycle, so say "long lying hurt gas". Sedentary injury meat "sedentary injury meat" means people for a long time sat still, will damage the human neck, waist and other parts of the muscle tissue, cause local fatigue. Because of the human body is sitting position, neck, lumbar muscle and other parts need to be tension, in order to maintain a balance, if sedentary words, muscle long time keep tension, the neck, lumbar muscle fatigue local inevitable. Moreover, the human body is sitting position, the oppression of the body in the heart muscle and the body, because of the position relations, the muscle tissue don't improve blood circulation, can affect the muscle groups such as the metabolic activity in the, in the long run, the muscle function will appear degradation, and may appear muscular atrophy phenomenon, so say "sedentary injury meat." Long made break a bone "long made break a bone" means a person if the old stand, the bones will support the body for a long time and strain. Generally speaking, appropriate to increase stand bone density, strengthen bones hardness. If human body do not have certain stand activities, the bones of the support strength not exciting, but can lead to osteoporosis. But for a long time will result in support of the skeleton stand muscle fatigue, cause bone or joint development deformity and activities obstacles, so say "sedentary break a bone". Long lines muscle injury "long do hurt muscle" means walk people for a long time, can make the JinRou damage. Because the people walking JinRou mainly relies on to the skeleton pulling, like long walks, must make lower limbs around the joints, tendons, ligaments muscle film from fatigue and soft tissue injury or strain, which is why people walk much will ache, fatigue of reason, so say "long line muscle injury." Since the "five fatigue" detrimental to health of body and mind, then how should we prevent "five fatigue"? First of all, all enough is enough. If there are traditional Chinese medicine advocate change "the five wounded by" for "five labor have a", or "optimal depending on the raise blood, and pleasant, comfortable sitting down raise a meat, comfortable do keep muscle, made a suitable bone". That is to say, no matter the body or heart, want to make it to "work", but have to control the degree,new era hats the optimal health benefits, pain, physical and mental damage. Next to pay attention to a dull boy. The old saying that the cloud: "YiZhangYiChi, the word of the military". "A" is nervous, "she" is flabby, both with appropriate, and not easy the creation of fatigue. The tang dynasty medical sun simiao said: "do not want to work, not to the escape the". The same is true of the said. Finally, must pay attention to sleep. The ancients says: "sleep for health food two, the priority". "Who can sleep, can eat, and can immortality". Plenty of sleep can prevent fatigue, also can eliminate fatigue, thus keeping in good health to have a positive impact.

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