
The kid sucks to absorb a nipple over 3 years old or influence language the function develop

England announced 1 item to report recently, in addition to breast feeding as usual, the child sucks time of absorbing the rubber objects, such as nipple and finger...etc. over long, probably bring bad influence to growth of the language function.Report,cheap sun glasses the researcher of the United States and Chile collected the related data of 1283-5-year-old children from area in Chile certain place, among them, some children still suck to absorb products like rubber nipple,etc.The researcher inquired a kid toward their parents birth empress of breast feed, suck to absorb circumstances, such as nipple and finger...etc., and invited a specialized doctor to evaluate these child's speech.Discover as a result that the child absorbing nipple or finger longer than 3 years sucking, the speech appears a stumbling possibility to compare common kid, Gao Chu, about 300%.The research also discovers that if just start sucking to absorb products like nipple,etc after 9 months at the kid,cheap sunglasses can lower later the language function appear stumbling risk.According to this research result, the parents should notice, don't let the kid is in the normal breast feed outside excessively suck to absorb behavior.

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