
Good mood

Contents: Good heart feeling's exceeding a gram is a manager of restaurant in the United States, he always has good heart feeling, when the other people ask him recent lead must how, he always has good news to say.No matter under all circumstances, he is beaming with smiles.See the scenario like this really makes people very curious, so a day, someone to exceed a gram to ask him there:I don't understand, no one can always so the ground is aggressive optimistic, are you how to accomplish?Exceed a gram of answer:I get up to tell myself and have two kinds of choices today every morning, I can choose good heart feeling, or I can choose a bad mood, I always choose good heart feeling, if ever not good matter occurrence.I can choose to be a victim, or choose from in study, I always choose from in study.Whenever someone runs to complain with me, I can choose the bright side that accepts complaint or life,cheap sun glasses I always choose vital bright side.But isn't that each matter is all so easy!I the protest ground say.Quite so exceeds a gram to say, the life is a chain of choices, each condition is a choice, you choose how respond to, you choose how people influence your mood, you choose to be placed in good heart feeling or bad mood, you choose how to lead your life.After few years, I hear exceed a gram by chance do 1, you cut off a surprisingly matter.One day he forgets the back door of closing the restaurant, result three armed scoundrels intrude into to rob in the morning, they coerce to exceed a gram to open safe-deposit box.In order to being over- nervous, exceeding a gram to get mistake a number, resulting in the robber's panic, open fire to shoot to exceed a gram.Exceed a gram and be very soon discovered by the neighbor, urgently send to salvage in the hospital, after 15 hours of surgical operation, exceeded a gram to finally get out of the hospital, but there was still bullet skinned staying on him after affairs take place 6 months I meet to exceed a gram, I ask him recent how, his answer:I am very lucky.Want to see my scar?I turned down, I asked him when the robber intrudes into, his heart road process.Exceed a gram to answer a way:I the first affair thoughted of is what I should lock back door, be after they shoot I, I lie on the floor and also remember that I have two choices:I can choose to living, or choice dead.I choose to keep on living.Aren't you frightened?I ask him.Exceed a gram to continue to say:The medical personnel is really fantastic, they have been telling me to be all right and trust.But when they push urgent road between the surgical operations of my person up, I see a doctor worried facial expression with nurse's face, I am true of be been frightened to death, seem to write in their eyes:He was already a dead person, I knew that I need take action.What did you do at that time?I ask.Exceed a gram to say:H'm!A nurse of big statures used the volume roaring to ask me a question at that time:She asks whether I will to what things allergic.I answer:Have.The doctor and nurseses all come to a stop to wait for my answer at this time.I profoundly absorbed to at a stretch shout:Bullet!The doctor and nurseses are smiling at this time, worried facial expressions on the face all gradually disappeared.Listen to after they finish smiling,cheap sunglasses I tell them:I choose to keep on living now, please consider as a living person to me to have operation, isn't 1 and live and kill a person.Feeling Wu:You can not change to turn overcast, but you can change a mood.The life was full of a choice, you could choose to enjoy your life, or hate it every day.

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