
"Limit to buy" whether the alleged discrimination is not the key problem

"Limit to buy" whether the alleged discrimination is not ZhuDaZhi key problems in China's real estate market is going through a dense and dynamics of the unprecedented frequency control. When high house prices in regulation of the punch, the trend of the market become complex; Compared with house prices itself, regulation and control methods and effects become more intriguing: "the most strict regulation" will ever let house prices regression reason? In the investment would blow speculation accidentally sexual needs people improve? Real estate tax how to use? Scholars from renmin exit the real estate industry can shake that high prices? Regulating measures by the series of problems on behalf of the members of the committee became the focus of attention. While the majority of the Chinese people's political consultative conference "the most strict regulation" will influence how the house prices in the problem are optimistic,MLB hats but there are also members think, limit to normal in friendly fire from the purchase demand of discrimination. WangChaoBin members say: limit of two sets of mortgage blow investment, speculation can understand, but the first suite of preferential cancel is up ordinary people that buy a house cost. And "limit to buy," is in big cities built a fence, many have the normal pent-up demand of foreign workers in the block outside. To census register standards, for example, someone working in Beijing for three or four years, but because take out five years of tax payment certificates cannot buy a house, the somebody else give Beijing the contribution, don't let somebody else to buy a house without reason. If someone had two sets of housing, want to take one of the displacement into a bigger, so far, he buy the third suite will be limited, this would affect his normal type needs to improve. "Limit to buy to make" in essence is from a source of capital controls a expediency. But, "limit buy to make" of the most lethal objects but not real estate speculators, but the broader population. As LiDaoKui members of tsinghua university, said the real estate lending rates by menas as an example, it to not need a loan investors have no alternative, also don't tube from other financing channels of investors. But even so, LiDaoKui members still think, "limit buy" is conventional measures under the situation of failure can take a dose of medicine last, in the current real estate prices continued to the higher up, the greater the situation, "limit buy" is like a patient to a high fever TuiShaoZhen agent, has its side effects, and are certainly is necessary. The problem is: don't play "TuiShaoZhen", house prices have been high for the momentum pressure not go down; But fighting, and will even will only hurt accidentally and has a reasonable living demand of ordinary homebuyers (as for people and reasonable investment needs, more isn't). The remedy is worse than the obvious this is a "negative therapy", and no matter whether the move to real "yi", ordinary people sacrifice an expedient normal demand or "with trepidation," really have enough legitimacy? Admittedly, the reform must pay cost, but the cost to the weak or what is for the strong bear by the strong-at least for big head? The answer seems to be self-evident. The Chinese people's political consultative conference WangChaoBin etc that "limit to buy" down people normal demand, there is discrimination outsiders and grassroots people too, did not seem all to no reason. Maybe someone will not be with me: are you standing not waist ache! Don't limit purchase, house prices high, ordinary people still can't afford room? It's a real problem, can avoid. In fact the problem and not couldn't solve it, a lot of people are put forward the fundamental solution: one is the change land fiscal policy, greatly reduce land price; 2 it is the government assume for the vulnerable groups to buy the obligations to provide the welfare house, from the tap needs fuss. About the second point, as it is known that the government has been addressed, a few days ago, live on behalf of the state council JianBu supportability project coordination group living with various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and xinjiang production and construction corps signed 2011 supportability project construction goal responsibility live. Vice premier li keqiang at the meeting stressed that this year engineering construction of 10 million affordable live is YingRenWu, to start all over to arrange, completed and put to use as early as possible. But, easily said but very hard to do, 10 million sets of security room construction cost is a very large number. Although the central government and local governments can take out a sum of money, but the gap is very big still. How to do? A committee suggested: real estate tax once completely spread out, this part of the new local finance should use in affordable housing construction. This of course is very good, but some wishful thinking. Collect the land grant fee before when they have to make clear a regulation, want to take out the certain proportion for housing guarantee construction,Discount sunglasses performing a result is satisfactory. Therefore, to house property tax attributes should be clear, and can't make it simple into the budget, into administrative expenses or used for other purposes, and must use some tax provisions of article this only for affordable housing construction. In addition, through the capital operation, the part of the security room by state-owned enterprises especially to the real estate construction mainly scholars from renmin to complete, and at the same time as the national federations of industry and commerce sponsored by the real estate chamber of commerce and rent fund scheme that, mobilize social forces financing to build security room, these can yet be regarded as is feasible method. The government should further airing, against the ornament, and can't just take the side effects of the administrative management measures a.

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