
The beijing-shanghai high iron without nets, highlight based telecommunications facilities planning trouble

The beijing-shanghai high iron opening, media opportunities of become a focus, of course, comes in praise of speed, service of high-grade, ticket price outside the expensive, communication signal stability and the media attention nature to become one of the hot spots. The media reports of the amazing as high iron communication problems, in fact this is not a done, but because in China communications services especially mobile communication service of excessive supply of universal service, at 300 kilometers of high in iron signal is unstable be done no wonder also naturally.MLB hats But the current our country to the infrastructure of planning and construction situation, if the beijing-shanghai high iron can have a stable signal should only be more the explosion of news. ?When faced with the media ask about Internet problem is, construction square chief says: "on the one hand because of the metal manufacturing to signal the body; in addition to a new screened high iron along of communication station configuration are not perfect, we will with the three major telecommunications operators communication, perfecting the line around the base station configuration." Until high iron has been opened, the passengers began to the gate, our high iron construction have come to need and the three operators communication, to perfect the so-called peripheral base station configuration? The beijing-shanghai high iron, from 1990 up on the agenda, to construction began in 2008, over three years, the investment of nearly 230 billion, known as the eight technical innovation of railway construction milestone, in the day of operation problem of the communication that was not solved, unexpectedly still need and operators communication, perfect the so-called base station configuration. The only question is: according to the national telecommunications regulations, as a basic facilities of communication network construction planning and investment, is the beijing-shanghai high iron this milestone ignored in the project? This fact is not only high iron such projects, according to the relevant provisions of the state, telecommunications communication facilities as infrastructure, in the engineering project must be planning, design, construction to through the corresponding examination and approval and acceptance. But in practice, these provisions has largely an empty is not abide by. Only when the public experiences found that the problem will remind of operators need to participate,soccer jerseys and right now, a lot of owner unit and the lion big mouth, management fee, etc names into maintenance fees vary, aggravating the public information service burden, hu. In such a famous and milestone project, communication facilities are not enough attention, and the other can be imagined. In fact the awkwardness of the telecommunications infrastructure planning is the plight of the poor.

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