
Rise in price

Rise in price author: The old companion that Ta year old old Zhao Shen smiles to toward to lower the head to do dishes called 1, point to roar a way:"Dishonest trader!My whole life hates most of is a dishonest trader, spot, for this price, two sets of, whole style, dare to rise penny to tell you to go to."The old companion noodles contains face of resentment, turn a head to scold the good heart feeling of old to walk greater half, " you is old deathless, old old still have no serious."Is several decades older than husband and wife, old also knew that the old companion has been doing not like oneself as well suddenly a type of'humor', finish saying to finish smiling that also pretending is upset,2012 nike nfl jerseys throws away the broom Xing Xing ground to fold door but.The noodles skin is a light repast of the region, also constant ten thousand years breakfast, so eats noodles skin that but have the fixed horary, go to early only have a pail of rice and peanut milk, late finish even door all enter not.The noodles skin store of old opens on the southern head of street, old Lee's noodles skin store opens on the north a head, the not far from one another isn't near either, surrounding close by market and quite a few small area, be regarded as weather land utilization, 2 people's business also all red fire.May because all do noodles skin, old relationship with old Lee is still fairly good.Old always needs to seek to sit on a cake of up old Lee while being carefree down confusedly blind, can't see a not fiery old companion not to let his in the mind always return is much more comfortable.Was carefree to pull when south china sea northern persons in the sky all liked to have a meal early, make it a rule to of same race two wife and children stores making a living put to together compare, an even enjoyed.Everyone says that old Lee's handicraft can be regarded as generally, if not because he the public appearance of old the small momentary cans not endures Ren many people, old Lee early should close the door to cease operation.Listen to much, 2 people's in the mind was gradually also all not so comfortable.See old Lee early and early sit at this time at the doorway wave hand to drive out a fly, old roars with laughter of walk over there, say:"I say old Lee, how do you still have a great achievement so man.Ze Ze sees a pair of you at ease."Old Lee isn't cold lukewarm ha ha:"Zha?You is big favour person also sometimes was leisurely blind to turn?""Is alas, what's the hurry busy, we favour dead tired lively earn not just the other people's rent, last year just 10,000 pieces say 10,006 this year 10,006, old Lee, you said this day Zha over hey" sat on old Lee's flank side to say that the side claps thigh."Is simple, he rises me to also rise, can living the person let urine to suppress dead?""We that will eat of but penny Qian Yi Wan, this just don't arrive for 20 years, all 2 piece five, also rise?""Is the oil of the before last year just much money?We can rise, besides you said this year what don't rise?Afraid bird egg.""Yi says to is to say, this gun tees off a bird, this can open not to get", old shakes head negation."Do not you read newspaper?""What newspaper?""To, you are more busy than me, which sometimes does read newspaper?", Old Lee remains lightly say."You say, I am to don't deceive anything you.""You are really stupid, you not lo lo somebody else Xian, sell a plain wheat rolls all ability the whole association, you can't the drum Dao write to rise together?", Old Lee points at the newspaper for picking up from the ground."Ah, return is really", old once connects newspaper and knit the brows a way."To not?Only say that the not dry crest ball is used", old Lee turned round Xia one mouthful strong tea, again way:"We are the best the elder brothers, you inquired about me, I mighted as well say for you, I have already once sought this surrounding three owners of the street all noodles skin stores, we prepare next Monday since rise to 3 pieces at the same time.""Old Lee, is that your Zha late to say with me?""Say with you, can your that mouth chase strictly?Say again, I also trust you, will being just intending to treat seek you."……The old companion still keeps hesitating, just but can not find what reason to oppose old, your rising not to rise rent is rising.Agree on markup of that day of, the business of old be still with usually similar, just be everyone to hear again markup, the person who talk suddenly changed littlely many.Old companion this under a little bit sat not to live, a strength ground made track for old Zhao Shuo:"I say that this doesn't go, last month just rose rise again now, unavoidably …….No matter, you go out lo lo to go quickly, I always feel this old Lee is in the pit we."The business in morning hasn't finished doing, old was so released family by the old companion.However old still keeps believing old Lee, "after all the title disappears to lower the head to see, his old Lee really dares to do this shameless of matter.But in case of he if do so?…...", The discomfort of in the mind is very quick and then expresses on the feet and just accepted old Li Sha Yan of feet.Because, old Lee basically didn't open the door."Old Lee, you aren't honest and kind, aren't you cutting off my back route?", After the door that was old to knock half for hour, old Lee slowly strange stairs."H'm?Old, you this is what words?What make me cut off your back route?""Clearly say to rise in price together today, why don't you open the door to do business?Beat in your belly of what abacus don't I know?"Old Lee suddenly changes countenance and annoy blunt blunt hold tight the wrist of old to downwards walk, Rang way in:"Walk, the celebrity doesn't do a dark matter, you can not believe me, I take you to turn and see don't other 6ses of this surroundingses' rising rise?""Let go", once old nose hum and rob a way:"They rise not and rise again many toll - gates to fasten, this street you I am two, I ask why only don't you rise?""At this time what?", Old Lee takes out throwing of the Chinese herbal medicine Pa in the Dou in the foot and points at old Zhao He to ask a way:"At this time what?You cold stare wolf, know that I didn't open today,cheap NBA hats you didn't ask me have been already opened yesterday?Wanting don't I take you to ask doctor Liu of common people's pharmacy?"Old was suddenly like quilt pinprick of ball, how frighten into inaction over there.……Later day inside, old Lee also also followed to all rise in price together.Just don't know why come to old Zhao Jia's diner less and less, but go to old Lee that and have a meal more and more.The markup of landlord is to say to change and then change and say good 10,006 winked to also change 20,000.Someone says old this drive old Li Keng, just old still doesn't dare to break to settle.When he smile don't  smile of finish saying to me"customer ah customer, kick out to easily face back difficult."Then turn round to hobble to leave.

