
Moral qualities than just can more importance

Moral qualities than just can more important author: Beginning lotus an archduke the department is accepting appointment employee, accept appointment all is work business ability strong young man.There is a young man, sit in the corner,cheap jerseys very unattractive.This young man sees the person whom the arrival accepts appointment cast away the ground to the paper regiment with the hand up, sweep an aunt very busy, bend the body, pick up paper regiment, put inside in the garbage can, sweep an aunt and connect a voice and say a thanks, he is just tiny tiny on smiling, say:"do not relate to."A uncle comes over here and says to the young man:" ha ha, young man, why do you want to pick up these paper regiments?"The young man says:" because so environment not so good, and sweep an aunt pain."The uncle listenned to, the full face heap smiled and went away.Afterwards, young man's manager's personal interview in end, saw uncle.The uncle is the general manager of this company!How to also have never thought young man.Uncle one eye notice him and say with smile:"everyone see,cheap new era NBA snapback this young man, I decide to employ him!"This talks a , everyone is discussing in succession, the uncle immediately after says:"You don't know, a person's moral qualities than his just can be more important!I believe that my company's having this young man will become better!"Yes, a person's moral qualities than his just can be more important.In the life, the moral qualities probably decides the key to your destiny, but just can, just in the life of set off an article just.

